An issue 4 excerpt from “Little Stanley” by Russ Spitkovsky Illustration by Matt Barteluce
As the dock doors were opening he was about to engage a dragon in battle. But no flames came from the dragon’s mouth and no more dreams came to Stanley—just the great emptiness of outer space. His parents didn’t even wake up.
Needless to say it was wet. Regardless, we sold a lot of zines!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Installing "Artist Driven" at Powerhouse.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Issue 3 of Carrier Pigeon features a die-cut cover, art by Justin Sanz, design by Sam Chun
Monday, April 11, 2011
Excerpt 1 from “Evidence” by Benjamin Schaeffer You can hear Ben read more from "Evidence" tonight at An Evening of Fiction and Art at Hue-Man Bookstore "Maxle sits in the middle of his gypsum-padded room, singing to himself. He’s been moved to this room recently because of the sudden night terrors he has been having. The first night he awoke screaming and was given a small hydrogen burst, which many believe does more harm than good in the long run, to quiet him."
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Carrier Pigeon Issue 2 Closing. As part of our tradition, we showcase authors with readings from that issue!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Issue 2 release party at the Sacred Gallery. We sold a lot of mags, saw a lot of friends, and even got a visit from my hero Doug Depice, a NJ based artist and teacher.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
An illustration I did for Ben Schaeffer's "Evidence" from CARRIER PIGEON issue 3